
5 Ways to Optimize Your Closet this Winter

November 09, 2018

5 Ways to Optimize your Closet this Winter

As a Chicagoan, getting dressed in the fall and winter months doesn’t take much thought when it comes to asking yourself the question of whether or not you need to dress warmly for the day. Gone are the occasional summer-like days and it is safe to say that we will not see our summer clothing for a good six month’s time.  

Often times our winter clothing takes up much more space than the garments we wear in the summertime. As a result, they tend to take up a lot of our precious closet or drawer space. To help cope and make life a bit easier during the wintertime, here are five easy ways to optimize your closet space this winter. 

Upgrade your Hangers

Using the same style of hanger can save a lot of space. Think of it like a big jigsaw puzzle and your hangers are the pieces. When you use the same style of hanger throughout your closet, each hanger fits nicely against each other. It doesn’t seem like much, but multiplied a few times and you end up creating a extra space to hang more things. Remember that this works best when the hangers are hung in the same direction.

Ikea has great hangers at an affordable price. Check them out here.

Closet Triage

No, we're not talking about putting that knit sweater you love so much from your childhood out to pasture, what we mean is assigning locations for items that you use most in areas that you can access the easiest. For example, now that the weather is cooler out you should place items like sweaters and jackets in easily accessible zones, while items that may not be in rotation for a few months can be placed toward the side or top portion of your closet. Just a good ol’ switch-a-roo.

Utilize a Closet Organization System

Having a custom closet does not have to cost a fortune or require a contractor. There are plenty of useful and affordable systems out there that you can purchase and install yourself. These provide a good deal of utility in helping you organize your closet space. We like the solutions offered by Elfa at the Container Store and Ikea’s Pax System. they are affordable and can be installed in a few hours on your own. If you do not feel comfortable installing on your own, both offer assistance in installing them with a professional. Check out the links below for more information:

Ikea Pax System


Don’t Forget Drawers

Some items are better off in drawers anyway like sweaters and knitwear. Often time placing these on a hanger can ruin the shoulder of your garment. Placing items like this in a drawer can help prolong the life of your clothes as well as free up some closet space. True, if your drawer space is already limited then this may not work for you but it may be something to consider. 

Blue Crates

Of course our favorite option is our affordable storage option. Let Blue Crates drop off a few crates and wardrobes for you to pack up your out of season wardrobe, then we’ll store them in our secure climate controlled facility. This is a sure fire way to remove the half of your wardrobe (Summer Digs) that you aren’t wearing any time soon and replace it with the clothes that you can step outside in. Blue Crates gives you all the closet space that you need.  

Blue Crates is self storage brought directly to your front door on your schedule. The best part is if you need something back, we will get it to you within 24 hours, so your closet just got as big as you need it to be. Give it a try.

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