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chicago storage
Blue Crates Storage

How to Optimize your Space After Summer is Over

From Summer Vacation To FallTips on How to Optimize your Space  The days are getting shorter, kids are headed back to school, and while it’s still hot outside; fall is just around the corner. For many of us this means gearing up for a...

August 28, 2018
Blue Crates Storage

Blue Crates Self Storage Chicago

Change the way you look at self-storage Chicago !Finding self-storage in Chicago near you can be a real pain so in the age of the on demand revolution, why not have storage delivered directly to your door? Self-storage has always been a dirty job....

August 23, 2018
Blue Crates Storage

Affordable Storage Units in Chicago

Affordable Storage Units in Chicago Finding a storage unit or self-storage near you can sometimes be a bit of a chore. You have to scour the net for a storage location near you and once you have found a few then comes the arduous...

August 22, 2018
Blue Crates Storage

Storage Unit Prices

Storage Unit Prices and The Economics of Using Blue Crates Look, we all of things that we don’t want to get rid of for whatever reason. Some things have sentimental value for us and others just have that, “I will use this again sometime”...

August 10, 2018
Blue Crates Storage

Finding a Self Storage Unit Near You

Self Storage Units Near MeNow that the word on demand is here to help from everything from ride sharing services to food delivery, Blue Crates is here to help you live your curated lifestyle by helping you rid yourself of all of that clutter...

August 09, 2018

Closet Organization Tips

Closet Organization Tips from Bluecrates Ladies… Is that little black dress still cute if you can’t find it? Think on that for a second while I, Bluecrates [Blue-Kruh-Teez] your philosopher of all things storage and the much younger brother of Socrates, discuss the finer...

August 08, 2018
Blue Crates Storage

Small Business Storage Solutions

Small Business Storage SolutionsGrowing any business is a challenge and with growth often times comes the need to expand your workplace.  this of course is not always an option not is it always best for your business to take on more square footage as...

July 31, 2018